Integrative Seminar 2: Reflection Post


– What research skills have I learned in the first four weeks of class?

The research skills I have learned throughout the first four weeks of class have been around researching through and analyzing different perspectives, analyzing the timeline of a research subject and taking into consideration the history, and I have also learned the observation and closeness that must be performed thoroughly throughout research.  I have learned about sources and the different research that can come from them. The importance of sources has become apparent to me in these first few weeks and I have already began expanding my process when it comes to finding sources to support my research.

 – What do I still need to learn/understand? What do I want to improve on?

I want to improve on organize my research and fully being able to pick out the most important aspects of research that would be most vital to the part of the subject I am researching. I also want to improve my sources and reach further than the internet and library.

– Do I have any initial ideas for long-term research topics?

The ideas that I am thinking of for my long-term research include Veganism, Women, Sexuality, and Film.

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