Artist Statement

My name is Michael Chamberlin, I am from Cincinnati, Ohio, and I am a fashion design major at Parsons the New School for Design. Since my early childhood, I have been interested in fine art, which lead me to find my love of fashion. My other creative interests like photography and makeup art add to my fashion practice and help inspire my work. Moving to New York and studying at Parsons has allowed me to develop these interests and express myself more freely and androgynously through my personal dress. When I am designing, I like to find a balance or contrast of masculine and feminine qualities. I find that my favorite fashion designers from the past like Rudi Gernreich, Yves Saint Laurent, and Claude Montana achieved this with great success. I look up to these designers and many others as I develop my skills at Parsons. I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to study abroad at Parsons’ Paris Campus, and to have studied in an environment with such a rich history of fashion and art. I hope through the rest of my time at Parsons and as I start my career that I can use these influences and experiences to create a strong body of work and contribute my strengths.

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