Depression: Photography


The depressed word is in black and white, and adding colour to the world is not easy when you have never seen colours. The 6 objects that I choose to represent depression are; dying flowers, an alcoholic drink (beer), a broken pen, ripped paper, tissue paper, and a pillow. The beer represents the only source to forget the sorrows, and the dying flowers represent the idea of temporary happiness. It is not easy to explain why you can’t see colours to those who can see colours. As a result, The torn paper and broken pen are representations of the inability to explain this depression. The tissue is for the tears that are shed for comfort. Finally, the pillow is the perfect company since it comforts you no matter which state you’re in.

This photo is the best one, from the ones I took, that represents depression. A man in a black and white world can’t see colours, but a high value contrast is the closest he can get.
Everything has a generally low to medium value while the beer bottle has a high value representing the idea of happiness. The Fact that everything has a dull low value contrast, shows how dull and plain the word looks to a depressed person. The bottle and flower shows “Near” Perceptual Forces that represent relation. I also used “Near” Perceptual Forces with the tissue and pillow relation as well as the pen and paper relation.





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