Brand Campaign: Pizza Shop


Slice is a pizza shop that I created. It’s purpose is to make people connect through pizza. In NYC a lot of people get pizza to go. It is rare to find people connecting over pizza in a restaurant, so I took the challenge to make that happen. The restaurant is designed in a way to force people to sit and connect.Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 5.55.10 PM

Early stages:

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It all started out by finding my interests and exploring them. Then I went into what I love PIZZA! But before all that, I was creating ideas and exploring opinions from critiques then I went into what I wanted to do. I started out erasing all my mistakes and never showing them. But Julia taught me that I should keep my errors for my self. I will not be showing my errors to anyone in this class except Julia.

My work until now:

Logo copy

The logo comes in so many different vibrant colours to resemble the uniqueness of the pizza you can create or find. The logo was inspired by a lot of trail and error, with a lot of research for award winning logos. I doodled on my sketch book a lot until I finally came up with this logo. I also have a many books that I have read about logo designs and names.

lady and tramp pizza copy Miguel's Pizza Ad copy

The Posters that I designed were inspired by the most famous interactions in all aspects. This shows that you can meet anyone. which brings us to the slogan.

The Slogan is “who will you meat?” I came up with this with a lot of struggle. I tried so many slogans, but it didn’t work, but “who will you meet?” came to me when I was falling asleep. Marie told me to change “meet” into “meat”.

The Mobile App is not complete.However, you can see what it would look like. I have a prototype of the app done on pen and paper (very poor quality) just to test who easy it is to use. The mobile app serves as the menu of the place. All created by the consumers. The higher the rating of the pizza the higher up the list it goes.


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