Bridge Project#2 (Peer-to-Peer) Initial Sketches and Ideas

For the bridge project #2, Kessler and I had the commonality in our experiments with the blindfold and earplugs of feeling disconnected from our environment without sound and placed at the center of a chaotic hub when we were without sight. With out project we want to demonstrate how the lack of vision or hearing changed how we perceived ourselves in relation to our environments.

We decided to use the idea of a television, which has a similar effect to having no hearing, the images seemed flat and we felt as if we were just watching what was happening instead of being a part of it.

In our project we are playing with dimension. From afar it will look like a television showing a flat image, but as you move closer you can see that the image is 3 dimensional and is created using images on all sides and a perspective warp. Inside of the TV there will be a figure watching a TV to show how the sounds create a dimensional movement and helps you associate yourself in your environment.

We will be taking photos of Washington Square Park and using them to create the images and the inside of the box where the figure will be placed.

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