Week 14 – The Definition of Fashion

Although I did not attend the first week of lecture, my definition of fashion has certainly been influenced, and perhaps in many ways altered during this course.

To me, fashion represents life. It is a form of expression without the use of words. It is art. Every human in the world has a relationship with fashion, whether they choose to or not, but at this time it is such an individualized journey, that each person gets to experience it in their own way. In many ways, fashion is an indication of who we are as individual beings as it harmonizes between the internal and the external. It is a represents who we are, the way we choose to present ourselves and perhaps simply a feeling we want to nurture. It is a window into our past, but also a window of who we aspire to be. It can links people to moments of their existence. It is personal and raw.

In essence, fashion is there as protection, to cover the human body. Personally for me however, I dress according to the my feeling on that specific day and what my day will consist of. When I wear something that makes me feel confident, interesting and daring, I feel the most alive. Almost like I am able to engage better with people and my surroundings. In many ways, fashion allows us to feel present.

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