Inspirational ToolKit


What did I find most prominent?

The need to write key phrases or sentences as notes. Taking down full notes takes too long, write in shorter notes and use keys as triggers

What did I find most useful?

The most useful this semester was organic drafting. It’s the easiest adaptable method of research to other classes and it shortens the work time noticeably.

What conceptual and practical skills are you taking?

A formal analysis is a useful way of documenting a lot, it take time though. I would work to perfect this overtime and have more comprehensive analysis writings.

What has truly shifted your perspective?

The dangers and benefits of being grounded in what you’re used to. I need to be not only accepting but more curious about new ideas when researching for a project. Using what is familiar to me provided a unique perspective but was very limiting.

What has inspired/changed you?

Having to catch up is tedious, I intend to show up to classes in better time.


Through the semester we were asked to evaluate ourselves and curate our toolkit for next semester. We learned academic discipline in research, writing, and presentation. This is what I am leaving with as tools to rely on in the following semesters.

Tidy work space

Initially I kept a tidier work area and it reflected in my daily organisation. If I go back to this tidier environment I can start my work earlier, finish earlier, and leave for my classes earlier.

Writing habit

This period taught me that I need to develop a better writing habit. It helps to be more consistent with long projects. It also helps me take better notes and m ideas are generally expressed better on paper.

Difference in perspective

I should not use my own own perspective in such a limiting factor. It should be a guide when beginning research into new ideas but should rarely be part of the end result. My beliefs are not substantial material for good work.

Organic drafting

Most effective method used this semester. Work is completed faster and my points are more articulate. Would need to practise more and on a much larger scale.


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