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Remix Project

30 second sound loop made with homemade instruments as the first part of the Remix project




Chapter 2:

Chapter 2 of Understanding Comics talks about the spectrum of abstraction: from photorealism to a simple smiley face. Along with this, the meaning we as people give to comics and how comics are so popular because they work with the self-absorption that people naturally succumb to.  We find faces in everything we look at and the simpler a face is, with fewer abstractions to make it different than us, the more likely we are able to relate to characters, regardless of what they look like. The book does miss the importance of how race and gender influence people’s ability to relate to a character. If the character in the comic is drawn to be a race or gender that the reader is not, it will be very unlikely that the reader will be able to relate to the character.

Chapter 3 explores the how readers complete transitions in their own head and how comic artists use this to their advantage. People always are looking for closure and piece things together in their mind. There are many forms of transitions: moment to moment, action to action, subject to subject, scene to scene, aspect to aspect, and sequiturs.

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