Object 19

This object is made out of stone and appears to be fairly aged. One cannot deduct the size through this photograph. The object appears to be a statue with a large human like figure carved at the center. This figure at the center has crossed legs and welcoming body language, with one hand up. There also appears to be a halo around the head of the figure Other human like figures appear around this center figure, two flying above it and two standing behind it.  There are patters around the figure; plant like carvings appear above, and on the stool underneath the figure writings and lions are depicted. In addition, the figure has circular patterns on its hands and feet.

Compositional elements are also apparent in this statue. With the largest figure placed at the center our eyes are immediately drawn to it. Also, by placing the patternless aura around its head there appears to be a break from the figure to the rest of the background, further highlighting this figure. The other smaller figures surrounding the center are balanced, with one at each corner of the statue. Although the bottom of the statue is much thicker (as it is a “stool”) the lack of detailed patter and human like figures balances from the top, where much is going on.

From previous knowledge of myriad religions and their many figures, I can make an educated assumption this statue came from India — more specifically from Hinduism. The large figure at the center appears to depict a god or godlike figure, with perhaps human subjects or religious representatives around him. Although I cannot say for sure, my personal engagement of this is figure leads me to believe he is a symbol of peace, and rather than trying to be a larger than life figure he makes me feel whole and aware of myself. I think this “god” is meant to give us a sense of security rather than make us feel small and human.

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