5 MINUTE, 6 STEP BOOK – how to make a cube.

After being instructed to create a short book explaining a skill I began brainstorming my teachable artistic skills other might find useful. I couldn’t think go anything. All my ideas were complicated and unattainable (either due to time or material), so for a while I was lost. Thankfully, the next day I had my first Space/Materiality class, a class in which we were asked to make a set of cubes without glue. I thought of the 2D templates that could be folded in to 3D shapes, and how learning to deconstruct 3D shapes might be a useful skill for any artist. I started both my projects together, and ended up with the first process bellow. However, by the time I had finished two metal cubes and the design of my booklet I was unsatisfied with my work. Although the intentions were pure, the idea was too simple, and the finish was not sophisticated (bellow you can see my original plan).

After careful consideration, I decided to change my engagement with materials/the guidelines in Space. I decided to make origami cubes. Seeing how sophisticated yet simple the results were, I realized how much better it would be to teach the class how to make origami cubes. The idea behind teaching the skill would be the same: deconstructing 3D objects, understanding materials, and thinking thoughtfully about the building process — but this time the to end result would be much more refined. Bellow is the final book.


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