Bridge 3 – Part 1

3 WORDS: personal, experimental, materials.

How does a series of quick works impact the creative process?

The creative process is the process in which we generate ideas, and for most artists that means the generation of new pieces of work. However, one can often feel at loss when attempting to materialize an idea. The pressure of having to finish an amazing final piece can be very overwhelming, and may keep an artist from beginning/forming a piece due to the high stakes. Therefore, evoking a broad concept where an artist is asked to simply create as they go can be very helpful to develop ideas, having the creative freedom to experiment and make mistakes.

Ghiselin, Brewster, ed. Creative Process: Reflections on the Invention in the Arts and Sciences. Place of Publication Not Identified: Univ Of California Press, 2013.

How does restricting a form of a piece/series in art effect creation?

This can be described as using a constraint(s) or rule(s) when creating a piece. In this case, what happens when an artist restricts the form in which they are to create a series. Same idea and one basic form, and how these two can interact in many different ways. When an artist chooses to limit themselves they must attempt to get their creativity around these rules in new and unconventional ways, which may result in unexpected resolutions to problems artists are always solving (for example, building a 3D without the use of glue will lead creators to think critically and come up with new ways to join together an object).

Levine, Cary. “Logical Conclusions: 40 Years of Rule-Based Art.” The Brooklyn Rail. April 01, 2005. Accessed March 04, 2019.

Why should an artist explore art outside their comfort zone?

As artists we are always told to try new things we are not used to. Comfort when it comes to art is often misinterpreted for “intimacy”, and therefore artists can be afraid to experiment with new forms because they don’t want to be at a loss of what to do. However, constantly being comfortable in a work does not give an artist the need to change and create new ideas. It is important for an artist to leave their comfort zone not only to always be engaged with creating, but also to think critically about their work.

Hill, Carlyn. “Step Out of Your Creative Comfort Zone.” Creative Resources. September 15, 2017. Accessed March 04, 2019.

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