FINAL OBJECT (Boy and Duck by Frederick William MacMonnies 1895-96)

description (and research): This sculpture/fountain piece is quite playful and whimsical. I’ve past it many times and have always been attracted to it, which is why it is the object I chose. In comparison to the other statues in Gallery 700 at the Met Boy and Duck is so much lighter and cheerful than its surrounding counterparts, which is why I was attracted to it. Because this piece is so whimsical you’re left wondering what it is all about, a naked boy with a duck is quite a different sculpture. Based on these observations I think it is important to learn about why MacMonnies used a boy and his duck as a subject to be sculpted. After coming home I did some research on the matter. I first consulted the Met website for information. I gathered that MacMonnies creates exuberant sculptures due to his affiliation with contemporary French sculpture throughout most of his career. Apparently, the subject of a child attempting to capture an animal is quite common, and MacMonnies experienced these artworks on a trip to Italy in 1894, triggering him to make work inspired by this tradition. After reading about this I dove further in to the research and found that this subject matter was revived during the Italian Renaissance period around the 1420s, and carried over into ninetieth-century French/American sculpture.


I used the Met website to gather generic information of the piece, as well as using the description the the piece to begin and guide my research.

This site was used to contextualize the theme of nude boys and animals that appear in Boy and Duck.

This excerpt of this book was used to further inquire into MacMonnies and Boy with Duck

important key words: emotive, whimsical, delicate/light, youth, bronze


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