week 1: homework – drawing and vocabulary sketchbook/journal entry


  • Line (geometric vs. organic)
  • Form
  • Shape
  • value


In your Sketchbook/Journal create the following entries:

  1. On the left hand side of your sketchbook/journal do the following writing exercise: using the vocabulary from class, write a short paragraph describing what you did in class.  Answer these questions: I noticed while drawing____.  What I like most about my drawing is____. What I found challenging was_____.
  2. On the right hand side of your sketchbook write the vocabulary from class and either draw an example of each word or  glue a photo that demonstrates each word.
  3. Revisit the Richard Diebenkorn drawing of his jacket that we originally looked at in class. Paying attention to line, form and shape, draw your jacket, or a family member’s jacket in your own style…this can be drawn on either the left or right hand side. You can use either a pencil or pen. I encourage you to be explorative with the way you draw the jacket in the same way Richard Diebenkorn is. Think about the lighting around the jacket. Where are the shadows and where are the highlights? What shape does the jacket remind you of? What is the form (flat, bulky, heavy, light…and how do I draw these qualities?).

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