week 5: vocabulary and iterative drawing sketchbook entry

featured image by Richard Diebenkorn

Key Words: perspective, geometric, scale, horizon, foreground, middleground, background, form, shape

Tools needed: sketchbook, drawing paper (provided in class) drawing pencils: F, 2B, 4B, kneaded eraser, ruler

Key concepts:

  1. Horizon Line
  2. Vanishing point
  3. Orthogonal Lines (also known as convergence or vanishing lines)
  4. Transverse Lines: horizontal or vertical lines that are either parallel or perpendicular to the horizon line. They form rectangles or right angles along the grid

In your Sketchbook/Journal create the following entries:

  1. On the left hand side of your sketchbook/journal do the following writing exercise: using the new vocabulary from class, write a short paragraph describing what you did in class.  Answer these questions: what was the most challenging part of drawing on the High Line Park?  What did you learn about perspective drawing?
  2. On the right hand side of your sketchbook, using the drawings you made in class on the High Line Park, create 2 thumbnail sketches to develop your imaginary geometric abstract cityscape. 
  3. Using the HB, 2B and 5B pencil create the following drawing:
  • on the piece of paper you received in class, use the drawing you did at the High Line Park and the thumbnail sketches from your sketchbook journal entry for inspiration: make a new drawing by rearranging the shapes and lines to create a new and interesting composition combining geometric forms and the perspective drawing you explored in class. 
  • Bring this new drawing to class next Saturday for critique


Travis Rice

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