Bridge 1: Evolution Timeline of My Bedroom

In this project, we were asked to choose a constructed environment and conduct research on it; for the final product, we made a timeline showing the evolution of this environment including some future stages.

My initial three ideas were: maps, my bedroom and public bathrooms in the US. This link is my in-class powerpoint presentation of these ideas: Timeline Ideas-wbqkhp.  I chose my bedroom as the constructed environment for this timeline because the idea was more interesting than the other two according to the responses in class. I decided to present 6 stages of my bedroom: 2 in the past, the present one and 3 in the future. Of course, I can’t predict my future, though I can picture what my bedrooms would look like based on my imaged stages of life.

In the beginning, I wanted to approach this assignment in a 3d form, thus creating 6 different rooms with 3d or standing furniture made with paper cutout but since the time span of the project is rather short, I chose to make it 2d instead.

I started experiencing with Adobe Illustrator which is a rather brand new program for me.

I didn’t quiet like the result and the program generally so I figeted with another app SketchBook and found it much more suitable for me. I first laid out my bedrooms and created outlines. The rooms turned out to look like the pokemon games in the 2000s.

I then colored the rooms, typed up descriptions for each room.

After a lot of modification and changes, I gave each room a short description of my age at the time, the location and the users inside a box. Along with those are short background stories of the room.

-Final Product


From the inclass critique, I’ve gotten some useful feedback. The most useful one is that it could’ve been done with more personal details instead of the more generalized look.

Overall, from the project, I had the chance to practise how to draw simple (probably wrong) floor plans and how to organizing information and present them in a clear and orderly way.

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