Over the course of this term, I developed a structural jewelry collection based on the twilight sky. Twilight is the short period between day/night and night/day. Because nature surrounds us in our daily lives, nature brings people together through shared memories, experiences, surroundings, etc. Through the idea of the twilight sky, I created a time-lapse video of the transitional phases of the sky. While the view and angle remain the same, the mood changes.
Imminescence is a structural jewelry collection made with platinum, palladium, sterling silver, brass+gold plating, and moonstones. Through the luster of the metals and the iridescence and translucence of the stone, I want to reflect that same idea of transition through my jewelry.
Imminescence would be sold in an emotional environment. It would consist of dim-to-dark lighting, modern structured stone structures, and leveled platforms.


Process Book: PROCESS BOOK INDESIGN pdf UPDATE update (1)-u2ajhd

3D Sample Cad files (prototypes): CAD Prototype
Cards (Details of each Jewelry Piece): CARDS-selsr1