Electronic Learning Portfolio

Unfinished Lizard

I have yet to finish, I overcommitted. I ended up getting the hardest version of monster clay which kept me…
Red in Bed

Red in Bed

Sadly I don't have any pictures of putting the bed together but to do it I used a mixture of…


Regretfully I cannot find pictures of making the mask initially but after finishing the paper mache I thought it looked…
Lil’ Guy

Lil’ Guy

I ended up putting way more time into this than I thought I would. I really enjoyed carving and sanding…
Pillow Monster

Pillow Monster

I always sleep with my hand or forearm under my head and I imagine other people do too. I saw…
Matchbox Devil

Matchbox Devil

I came up with this character by referencing back to a diptych I made freshman year. I really liked the…
Egg Head

Egg Head

To paint the egg I began by just drawing a portrait of myself on it. I just went with a…

Core 4D Lecture Reflection

I really resonated personally this lecture with the film covering the woman who was wrongfully imprisoned for supposed mental instability.…
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