Self Analysis: Garment

“The social world demands that we appear dressed and there are no examples of cultures that leave the body unadorned…” (Entwistle, 134)

This quotation makes me question the strains the social world on how we can express identity though our bodies not just clothing. It reflects something about me, because it made me think of how growing up and to this day I hate socks and shoes I would rather choose going barefoot over anything. Also I feel like if we did grow up in a social world where lets say women can show nipples my identity through my body and clothes would be different.

“…the body is both the property of the individual and the social world: it is the vehicle of identity but this identity has to be ‘managed’ in terms of the definitions of the social situation which impose particular ways of being on the body.” (Entwistle, 139)

This quote made me think to how personal our bodies are to ourselves but also it is shared in a way with the world. I connected this to how I dress to cover parts of my identity that is to individual (personal). I have scars along my left arm so am always wearing long sleeves. My true identity would show them freely but the impact of social situations and society I find myself hiding a part of me.

“An ability to affirm what is contingent and incoherent in oneself may allow one to affirm others who may or may not “mirror” one’s own constitution.” (Butler, 41) 

What I take from this quote is if we could understand what is uncertain in ourselves we could show our true selves if we want to or not. I connect this to my identity because so much that I show to the world is a hidden version of myself because there is still so much in me that I don’t fully understand of who I am. It takes time and work to get to the point where you are certain about everything that makes up who you are. Somedays I feel like a stranger to myself.



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