Waste Tracking Reflection

The challenges of completing this project were mainly just remembering to photograph my waste. Its a force of habit to just throw whatever I am using in the garbage once I’m done, but with this project, I had to stop, take a picture of it, and then throw it away. It made me more aware of waste I was producing. After hearing feedback I would change some of the focal points of the piece. I wrote my discussion on changing the design of a fruit cup to make it more sustainable, but in my photo collage, the fruit cup was hidden away in a corner and was difficult to locate. After seeing my peers’ projects I would have probably decided to make a short PowerPoint presentation to go with my visual element to help support my oral presentation. This project made me realize how my consumption and waste production tends to be out of my hands most of the time. I was unable to bring reusable cups and containers to restaurants that use disposable ones as the laws for doing so are very strict. A lot of waste came from receipts that I didn’t even need, but if I told the cashier I didn’t want or need a receipt they would still print it out, just throw it away themselves, which still created waste.

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