Graphic Novel


Frame Homework

Jean Louis Theodore Gericault- La Balsa de la Medusa

For my research, I felt bad photographing the comic books at the store without actually buying them so I used the books to get inspiration but did not take any photos. I also used online references which I have included screenshots of below.

These are the sketches of my ideas and layout for the graphic novel.

My graphic novel was entirely digital, including the artwork. I used photoshop to create the images. I first photographed my subject and then digitally altered the photos to include the background.

My graphic novel is titled Dreaming in Motion and follows the main character through her different dreams and ends with her waking up the next morning.

Graphic Novel PDF LP-1g2ocsu


This project taught me how to tell a story with few words, using graphics and visual elements. I learned how to use space and relation to objects to effectively layout a page and allow for the reader to clearly follow a storyline.

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