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Shantanu’s 1st Post

Simply speaking, the essay “Travelling” is rather simple to understand.  It’s a basic story about a trip her family took Southside.  However, while the story itself is rather simple, it’s the underlying ideas that the author truly wants the reader to focus on.  The story of a person who’s new to a place can always be interesting as the reader is viewing something from the writer’s point of view, and in doing that, the reader can figure out exactly what ideas the writer is trying to convey.  In addition, the characters are not too fleshed out, although that is probably because the story is not so much about the characters, but instead, is about one person’s experiences in a completely new place.  Especially interesting is the setting of this story, this was during a time when segregation was still very prevalent in the United States.  I could somewhat relate to this story because, like these people, every time I visit a new place in the world, it becomes so easy to point out rather unique things about the place I’m in, however, I personally find this story to be quite interesting and, to answer the question posed right underneath the title, we remember some things and not others because those things that we remember, whether big events or simple events like this that happen daily, are experiences that we truly learn from.

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