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Encouraging Banner


This is my “encouraging banner”, it’s part of a quote that I feel really suits me since I do tend to have quite a bit of fortune, however, in context, it’s part of a quote from a video game called “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End”.  The full quote is: “I’m a Man Of Fortune, And I Must Seek My Fortune.”  I consider this quote to be encouraging because it gives me inspiration to keep going on and trying to see if I can get better.  In addition, this part of the quote in particular is something I repeat to myself if I feel somewhat down on my luck and I just need a pick me up.  That’s the primary reason I consider this quote to be encouraging, because even if events aren’t going my way, sometimes just saying this quote helps me keep moving forward in the hope that eventually, events will turn around.

When it actually came to making this, I spent the most time actually cutting out the letters to make the banner, I started off with 3 different ideas for inspiring quotes that came directly to my head, however, all of them would have taken far too long, so I decided to stick to this quote and I’m quite glad I did.  I immediately went ahead and wrote out the letters in one font that I found on my computer, but upon doing that, I realized that wouldn’t be effective since I couldn’t scale anything properly when it came to actually drawing out the letters.  After scrapping that idea, I went ahead and started using a more regular font and wrote out the quote on several multicolored sheets of paper, as per the instructions.  I then stuck the banner up on my wall and that’s how I finished the banner.

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