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Bridge III Post 1

Perspective: Park/Public Space (specifically Four Freedoms Park) on Roosevelt Island

10 Strongest Color Walk Photos

Description of Color Walk:

My color walk started off at the Four Freedoms’ Memorial in front of the Head of Roosevelt Island.  I tried looking for a color that stood out to me when I turned and that color turned out to be yellow.  I started off by following some leaves on the trees and leaves which had fallen down, this lead me past the asylum and to a small building, since I saw something yellow, I headed to the right hand side of the island, where I saw a strange yellow object by some traffic cones, I had to be careful here as one of the other yellow things in the area was a tape that said “Do Not Enter”.  At this point, I was at a black fence at the edge of the island, I walked further away from the memorial once I saw a cone and kept heading towards the main road, after following the yellow road line, I saw a few stumps tipped with yellow on a grassy hill, I followed these stumps, leading me further away from my starting location and towards the middle of the island, I then turned left and saw a little mailbox and ended my color walk there.  Overall, my trip took me from one end of the island, across the border, and to the middle of the island.  After the color walk, as I was going back to my car, I tore a vandal’s poster off a wall and took it with me.




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