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Bridge IV: Post 1

While researching Roosevelt Island, I found that the history of the island, particularly the history behind the island’s Lunatic Asylum, which is now the Octagon, to be fascinating and worthy of commemoration.  This is especially true since even the residents of the island, who I have interviewed, are unaware of the history on the island.

The main issue that I think needs to be addressed is the lack of knowledge about the history of the island.  The project site will be right in front of the Octagon, which was actually the original Lunatic Asylum.  The Octagon is now used as a public place with small art galleries and residences.

The message that I want my piece to convey is the idea that it’s important to know the history of a place, as sometimes, the history is incredibly fascinating and it’s incredible to contrast the past and present of a place that has drastically changed overtime.

The monument will convey my ideas by allowing the viewer/player to experience the past of the Octagon during the 1800s while it was an asylum.  Also, while it will be included, there is, theoretically, no need to have a present day perspective of the Octagon as people could just enter the building and see it for themselves.


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