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Soft Sculpture




Soft Sculpture: Sculpting 3D works using primarily pliable, soft materials (mostly fabrics)


Brainstorming: Construction/Immersion in new worlds through gaming, potentially making any objects from gaming come to life (symbols, stages, progression, characters, systems, weapons, creating a relic from fiction [could be game or movie]), create a level from a game, an immersive environment.  False identity found through a video game, idea of stepping into someone’s shoes

Creating an instrument


Potentially make something like

Adventus w/ Ouroboros lining the edges & References to previous stages-Blazblue

Entrance to Kadingir Sanctum/Titan’s Realm w/ heads of game monsters inside (The Possessed, Imp, Hell Razer, Hell Knight, Revenant, Mancubus, Cacodemon Lost Soul, Pinky, Baron of Hell, Cyberdemon)-Doom


Titan’s Realm Entrance with Doom Marine’s Helmet lying on the floor





Helm of the Witch-King of Angmar


Labyrinth w/ gaming references in it-God Of War 3

Helmet/mask of a character

Note: Look up Yayoi Kusama


Wearable object





Current preferred materials:


Old t-shirts


Plastic Bags



Cardboard on inside




My project was primarily based on my love for video games and digital media.  I really wanted to create something related to gaming.  When I came up with the idea, I was thinking about concepts relating to immersion, multiple systems, escaping from reality and assuming alternate identities and each of my ideas had thing related to at least one of these.  I had multiple ideas to create helmets from game characters such as the Doom Slayer’s Helmet, Black Manta’s Helmet, etc.  I also thought of creating stages from games I love, I thought of stages such as Kadingir Sanctum from Doom and Adventus from Blazblue.  Finally, I thought of creating weapons related to games, such as Sephiroth’s Masamune sword from Final Fantasy VII and Ragna the Bloodedge’s Bloodscythe from Blazblue.  However, I stuck to the idea of the internals of a PC because it was an idea I thought would be extremely interesting to create out of soft sculpture, however, I also wanted to incorporate media and games I personally related to, and so within one component of the PC, the graphics card, I put references to media that I personally related to.  I also included parts of the computers that I recognized the most, such as the Graphics Card(s), Motherboard, coolant and wire bundle.  I thought it was interesting to use organic soft fabrics as a representation of an inorganic metallic structure.

When I was creating the project, I intended to use wire for the structure, but instead I ended up using cardboard for the structure since it was more sturdy and retained its shape.  After that, I coated it in black fabric and coated the bottom in blue fabric.  The graphic cards were cardboard sheets coated in green fabric.  The logos were created from cardboard coated in various colors of fabrics.  I created a computer chip out of yellow fabric and created wires out of red strings.  I just connected 2 pieces of stuffed black fabric in between the wire patterns, and that completed the project.

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