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Self-Evaluation (Course Check-In)

So far in my Spring Semester, I have been rather invested in each class, there isn’t a class in which I find myself bored or disinterested by what I am learning, from learning how to draw by hand in Drawing and Imaging, which is not my preferred form of illustration, to doing complex folding in 3D modeling techniques, which is actually not what I was expecting from the class.  Rather, I was expecting it to be 3D modeling in software.  Regardless, in each class, it feels like I am learning new things that I most definitely plan to use later in my life.  Each class has its fair share of challenges, each of which I have been able to overcome so far.  For example, I had a difficult time understanding value judgement, however, whenever I asked, the teachers would always point me in the right direction and give me assistance and advice when it came to completing my work and how it should be done.  Overall, each class is an equal balance of unique creativity coupled with instructions and time limits, which leads to a fair amount of challenge and I love my classes for those reasons exactly.

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