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Affordance Design

I was assigned to the elevator lobby area on floor 12 of 6 E. 16th Street.

Upon investigating the area, taking pictures, mapping it out and experiencing it, I decided that my affordance would be two benches for three.  On the 12th floor of 6 East 16th Street, the area around the elevator has quite a long line to wait and so people will get tired of standing and waiting for the elevator to come to the 12th floor.  Therefore, if they so wish, they may sit down on the benches so they can relax their legs and not have to worry about waiting for too long.  In addition, if someone is doing work in the elevator hallway area, rather than sit on the floor where people will have walked all over, they may sit on the bench and do their work rather than simply standing.  The two benches will be located right across from the elevators with at least one bench in between each beam protruding from the wall.  I believe that this is necessary for the space because it will not only make the space more organized, but it’ll make waiting for the elevator much easier and more bearable.

Upon seeing the bench, the person will know what it’s for as it is a familiar object and upon sitting on it, will realize what it is used for.

Pictures of current area.

Designs of Affordance




Still In-Use

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