Week w/No Trash

The objective of this project assigned in my Sustainable Systems class is to go one week without trash and document it on my Learning Portfolio.


This day was really easy because I just stayed home and didn’t do much but work. My only potential waste was from the part of fruits and veggies I don’t eat but I used those for compost in my new garden, making it not a part of waste.


I finished a bag of lettuce that came in a plastic bag and I couldn’t think of any way to reuse it so I threw it away. Next time I will be more conscious of the potential later uses of the containers I purchase.


My potential waste today was a carton of vegan ice cream but I reused it by making it a home for bugs my niece & I discovered when we were on a walk.


No waste because I stayed in. Compost.


No waste because I stayed in. Compost.


Some batteries stopped working so I put them in my family’s battery trash bucket. I finished a bottle of lotion and couldn’t figure out how to reuse them so I threw it out.


This is not really my waste but my friend got a rip in his jeans so he was going to throw them away but I reused them to make denim chokers. Other than that, no other waste potential but compost.


Reflection- This was fairly easy for me to do because I was home for such a long time during this but I think it’s a very healthy exercise to keep in mind how I can continue to reuse trash even when I’m on the go.

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