Specialized Studio Update





It was decided to bring inspiration from stories and events from my past experiences and surroundings. As for the clothes itself will mainly revolve around tailoring for menswear, as well as the use head pieces that make up a whole look. Structural silhouettes like sharp raised shoulders and firm shapes are brought into the collection. Details such as obvious and/or subtle top stitching help further the concept of the collection. I would like to take in a masculine inspiration, however presented with hints of feminine personas by using selected fabrics and certain silhouettes to allude to that certain mood. All of these details will be weaved together creating a coherent collection whilst displaying the concept and my identity as a designer. The inspiration encompasses my story with Japanese toys growing up, specifically though the construction of the toys which I spent most of my childhood building. Aspects such as structure and detail of shapes are drawn into the collection through both subtle and strong details of construction and stitching decoration.



Flats, Sketches, Process

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