Time: Open project final

Open Project #2

Outline for project

This is the template that I used to print out the pictures for my flip book. I chose to make a flip book that teaches you how to roll a joint. I imagine this flip book to be a part of a small kit that’s in a box and has the flip book including papers and flower. I wanted my last open project to be funny and because I made my first project in the class about rolling a joint I thought I would recreate it for my last one. Originally I was going to draw this all out but time wise it didn’t make sense, so I chose to take pictures. I think the pictures that were taken were from a good angle and this flip book properly portrays what I wanted in a simplistic yet fun manner.

Final pics

I liked the final outcome of my project especially the size of it. The flip book is small enough for it to be portable and easy to carry around with you so that when you need it, it’s there. I think I could have improved it by taking it one step closer and actually creating the kit by myself to have a prototype of how I envision it.

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