You Don’t Know Me: Found Poetry

The poem I created was inspired by the significance of movement throughout my partner Yerilynn’s life. During the interview process that took place in studio, Yerilynn discussed how physically relocating continuously has shaped her identity and defined her experiences. She describes her experience with moving as refreshing and strengthening over time. While creating the poem, my aim was to emphasize the growth that that has resulted from Yerilynn’s experience. I worded the poem to essentially resemble the idea of rebirth. This is slowly communicated by introducing the idea of change in the first line, before transitioning into terms that resemble rebirth as it exists in nature, like “in bloom” in line 2. To further communicate this idea, I also painted Yerilynn as youthful and eager throughout the poem. This is evident in lines 4-5 when I describe wide, sparkling eyes. I close the poem with a feeling of renewal to tie together the ideas of change, rebirth, and youth communicated throughout the poem.

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