African Burial Grounds – Reflection

Visiting the African Burial Ground was an eye-opening, spiritual experience. Before the visit, my knowledge of New York as a thriving, futuristic city of opportunity and innovation was incomplete. Learning about the African Burial Ground exposed me to the dark history of this city that hides in plain sight. The pain and injustice that built the city get lost in the exploding skyline and romanticized city lights. Having visited the African Burial Ground and seeing the massive infrastructure that now exists in its place, I am now able to understand the history land holds and visualize the diverse lives that passed through it. I can only describe observing the exhibition as a heavy, thought-provoking experience. Though not shocking, the video and exhibition put historical atrocities like slavery into the context of our current daily lives. The site itself makes the important point of recording history that has long been ignored, while simultaneously attaching a strong sense of power and respect for the people who built the foundation of the city. I now find myself questioning every space I enter. On the Subway, in the parks, I ask myself what existed before and what still remains.

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