Project 3: Perspicere – To See Through

Preparatory Assignment:

Sketchbook Spread:




The sun creeps over the skyline
Good morning NYC
I breath it all in
The unlimited potential of the city seeps in from outside the glass,
Now encapsulated by this space.
“How long has she been here?” I hear.
In this this space I am not tied to time
I am infinite and indefinite
I am she.

The  structure I chose to explore over the course of this project was the Parsons building. The Parsons building is the first academic space I entered at The New School, also the first time I understood the scope of my purpose and potential. It is an integral space in my journey through New York and navigating this new chapter of my life.

When deconstructing the Parsons building, I wanted to encapsulate the big dreams that I tend to imagine swirling through these walls. I communicate that through incorporating mixed media, or the cloud print appliqués protruding from the structure. That choice is also inspired by the phrase ‘the sky is the limit,’ which I feel is truly embodied by Parsons. As for the color palette, I was inspired by the female identity and its role in my journey here. Being a woman of color adds an entirely separate layer of empowerment and excitement to my experience, and I represent that in the piece through bold yet feminine colors that resonate with my identity and style.



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