Personal Flag Project+Self Portrait Journal Entries (Intro Studio 1+Intro Seminar 1)

Here are some of the more recent journal entries that I formed as a result of my idea process during my time working on the rudiments and development stages of my Personal Flag Project and my written Self-Portrait for my Intro Studio 1 and Intro Seminar 1 classes, respectively. These journal entries include my research regarding the Three Animals that represent aspects of myself, my 11 “Possibilities” as detailed in my Intro Seminar syllabus, these possibilities comprising of choices I have made in the past and am making that define me as a person, and my notes on Narrating the Self  by Elinor Ochs and Lisa Capps, and The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson– two texts I was required to analyze and compare for a one-page response assignment that would demonstrate my ability to find abstract connections between texts. The last picture, in particular, is my analysis of The Argonauts in relation to Narrating the Self. Many of my ideas and notes formed the basis for my one-page response.

11 Possibilities

11 Possibilities


Owl-- how I think I see myself. The World Turtle-- how I think others see me. The Lion-- how I see my own actions.

The Owl– how I think I see myself. The World Turtle– how I think others see me. The Lion– how I see my own actions.

How the Owl, Turtle, and Lion relate to me as a person, according to my research and own interpretations.

How the Owl, Turtle, and Lion relate to me as a person, according to my research and own interpretations.

Here is my analysis and comparison between Ochs and Capps' Narrating the Self and Nelson's The Argonauts

Here is my analysis and comparison between Ochs and Capps’ Narrating the Self and Nelson’s The Argonauts

Analysis of the Argonauts in relation to Narrating the Self

Analysis of the Argonauts in relation to Narrating the Self

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