Mathematics and Art Visualization Project– Assignment 2

For my Exploring Mathematics and Art class Visualization Project (Assignment 2), I had to create a numerical representation of myself and use numbers that define me to create a self-portrait that is both artistically pleasing and mathematically sound. I used Google Drawings, paper, and pencil to create my own numbers system, found out that all the letters of my name, when translated into alphabetically-based numbers, equal 148, and created a “magic rectangle” that had numbers that all totaled 148, and when added vertically, answers that derived multiples of 148, like 256 and 444. Included here are also geometric and spatial/artistic representations of 148 in dots and shapes, and other magic squares that I created out of 148 and its inverses or alternative versions (814, 184, 481, 841, etc.), not to mention the full description of my project and my process.

Below are all the files and pictures of my project:

Front Page-- Number System

Front Page– Number System


Back Page– Matrices, Shapes, Geometric Patterns, Magic Rectangles

Magic Rectangle and my Name with Symbols and their Numerical Translations

Magic Rectangle and my Name with Symbols and their Numerical Translations

148 dot designs

148 dot designs

148 dot arrangement in terms of 5

148 dot arrangement in terms of 5


148 Matrices plus 148 Geometric Design

148 Matrices plus 148 Geometric Design

Explanation for Visualization Project and Description of Process+Project itself (docx file)

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