Sus: Passion

1) list 3 things what do you love, are passionate about, want to grow in your life?

Obviously I am passionate about drawing. I fell in love with drawing when a church friend of mine drew this small little character with big eyes and I thought “wow that’s amazing how did she do that”. Another thing would be writing. I want to learn how to write better because I want to be a storyteller and illustrate/write my own books so that’s important to get better at. Lastly I want to learn more and never stop learning. I don’t want to be ignorant and even though knowing more is not always good, I want to learn.

2) list 3 thing you want to protect, preserve, conserve (things that currently exist and you want to ensure they continue to exist)

I want to protect animals that are becoming extinct because of the negligence of humans.
I want to preserve the environment so that new generation/mutations of animals can live.
I want to make sure that art is never broken down and pushed aside as something less important than mathematics and science.

3) list 3 things you want to invent, innovate, improve, change, alter to make a better world.

I hope to improve ways that we use solar power because they are expensive, and they do break down, right now, too fast. It’s not cost efficient and is slightly more detrimental because of the waste they create when they aren’t used anymore.

I want to, and this is impossible in all honesty, educate everyone on the true scientific studies on the environment and how everything around us is not a hoax and that we can’t live like this or we’ll be the last humans– the future generations will die.

I also want to invent a communication device to translate more fluently than what we have now so that there can be less miscommunication between languages.

4) list 3 things you would like to become and/or make with your lifetime of TIME, ENERGY, INSPIRATION.

I hope to make books that change lives and make a mark in time and the reader’s memory.

I’d like to be happy enough so that I can keep other people happy

I want to make things/visuals that will evoke emotion from the viewers to go into action.

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