Talking to People: Studio Proj

It was really scary just looking at people and trying to decide who to talk to. I wanted to talk to someone with a dog because I assumed that they would be stopped more often than those without dogs, and possibly be more open to talking. I also tried to go for a younger demographic because those that are really old seemed to glare at me. I actually approached an old man suntanning, but he told me to leave.

I didn’t spend more than 10 to 20 minutes with them because they all were busy and had to get going. This really helped me open up to people more. I’m from the suburbs so it was strange to talk to people then too, but in the city I feel like people connect in the strangest ways and talking to strangers is definitely one of them.

Now whenever I’m outside I usually analyze people– more than usual. It sounds really bad but I start to think about their shoes, their watches, their clothing, and their body language. I’m still too afraid to talk to people casually but it has made working easier. I can find small things to connect with the customers based on what they’re wearing or how they look like.

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