Union Square Potential Interventions

For Studio class Week 6 assignment, our objective is to brainstorm some potential interventions in Union Square.

Here are some sketches of my ideas.

I was thinking to rearrange the layout of Union Square entirely. The first image includes a thumbnail of the layout that I wanted. I want to create an open area surrounded by trees in the center for the purpose of holding large events, for examples, the holiday market. I assert that the steps make the holiday market too divided and crowded. I think a center area without steps and division can allow more spacial events. I also think that there are not enough trees in Union Square. I put the trees around Union Square so that they can block out the noise from the city. However, I also leave out open space in the front for protest and political purposes. Because I think those stones on the 14th St. are not very pleasing, I think of some ways to separate the street and Union Square. Trees, Flower pots, Bushes, or chairs can be aesthetic separators on 14th St.


There are several interventions that I think can improve user experience in Union Square. The first one would be light. I think it is somehow dark when it is not a holiday season. Even though the light is efficient, I think it can be more aesthetically pleasing. We can create a lighting net so that we can also use it in the holiday season and it is bright enough to cover a whole area.

The next thing I thought of is a fountain. I think a good fountain adds vividity to the public space. Compared to Washington Square, Union Square is less nature-orientated and lively. I think an interactive fountain can be really fun during Summer. Or, the fountain itself is an art piece so that it is still intriguing in winter.

I have several ideas about entertainment. I think the most important function of a public space like Union Square is entertainment. As we knew, there are a dog park and a children area. However, those areas are only accessible to people who have children or dogs. I think we should make those entertainments more accessible to the general public. For example, both adults and children can play around the giant lego pieces. At the same time, it is an interactive artwork and a good sitting area. My idea is to combine several functions into one intervention so that everyone can interact with it.

As for the sitting area, I take the concept of my first-week assignment, “Qtip Collection”. I think one of my Qtips structure can be a really good chair structure too. Whatever the shape those chairs are, I should make them movable and reshapable so that people can create their own public space according to their needs. Also, I think it is important to have shades in those sitting areas during summer.

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