Interviewing Hui


For Hui, nothing is sorted in fake or real since everything can be fake and real at the same time: this is why I put a question mark on everything. I think he is questioning everything he senses. Hui is a photographer who doesn’t like photoing portrait or landscape, but the abstract beauty in life like lines, shapes, forms, shadow, and light. I think Hui is really obsessed with the concept of light. He think light is authentic, for all the colours we see are just the reflection of the light of that certain colour. Hui also thinks that nature, including human nature, and the universe are authentic. These things are remote things, and contains too much unknown: they are real because they cannot be proved to be unreal. I accidentally asked an unrelated question in my interview asking what time means to Hui and he spent the rest of the interview answering it. It was a complex question and he gave me a complex answer, but in brief, it’s like saying: time is void. Time is cycle and things just keep reoccurring throughout histories of everything, and in this long cycle everything, like money, human, and nature is just a short duration in it. Therefore time is also like a bottle containing nothing, emphasising on the emptiness. But still the empty bottle contains air, so time is also light as air.

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