
“Wow, wouldn’t it be great to find clips with clocks for every minute of all twenty-four hours?”

“As a memento mori, we used to show a candle, but a cigarette is so much more modern. Yet it’s the same thing—you see time burning.”

“The video’s melancholy strain was, in part, an aesthetic choice, but it was also dictated by the material. We look at clocks, after all, in order to shackle ourselves to a schedule. In films and in life, eyes consulting a clock usually look disappointed, harried, or distressed.”

“clocks became instruments that destroyed contentment”

“It’s the way life is, I suppose. Whatever happens, you deal with it.”


Though when I looked at his manga collage,

I really feels like anyone who has seen any one of these manga can figure who they are and I just couldn’t help supplementing the entire story and the characteristics of the character I recognised. I think in terms of “anti-narrative”, this is not so successful, and I could somehow compare and find the similarity between the two characters used in this collage.

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