
With some comments I collected from the 7 diptychs, I made 2 new pairs.


Made with photoshop and acrylic. I remade this image before in my 7 diptychs, however, for this one, I sent the scanned file into photoshop, edited parts, printed out on better paper, then painted over the apple in the left and claw on the right using acrylic. From the feedbacks I got, the use of acrylic is agreed to be successful, with acrylic being the plastic made by human to mimic oil paint. That I painted over the printed (flat) painting also adds on to the question of what is happening to our world with the development of technology, media, and manufacture. The content change from the glowing yet immature apple offered in Eve’s hand to the broken red one grabbed by a eagle claw. The colour tone become warm to cool, adding to the comparison between tenderness to ruthless.


Illustrator and Maya. The left is a 3D model I made from a cube in Maya, while the right is images of actual apple being rearranged in photoshop. In this diptych, I contrasted one uneven  3 dimensional  apple to the perfect but identical apple group. The model apple, sitting on a plane, with a strange shade of grey and blue wireframe around, represents the imperfect nature of human being; however, it is not desired (grey and blue are isolated colours). We abandon our real nature, to chase for the supermarket mass-produced apples in wish to live the certain kind of lifestyle we see or heard about through media (the second apple being real and appealing but without any shadow or context, like a advertisement strategy). The more our technology develops, the more information is being shared, and people become more and more similar, until we are all identical just like the products we all purchase.

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