Cooper Hewitt Exhibition

The Infinity burial suits 

I found this exhibit was interesting in the Cooper Hewitt Museum and I really enjoyed to see the design intentions are connected with nature. It was designed to be an ECO-friendly alternative way to the traditional forms of Burial like casket burials and cremation. I did some research on the process of cremation and the Center for Disease Control in the US says that we have around 219 pollutants within our bodies, during the process of cremation, all the toxins within our bodies get released into the atmosphere. Therefore, Cremation is actually not a sustainable way of burying people because it’s dangerous for our environment.

This burial suits was mainly designed by Jae Rhim Lee and it gives people a perspective of buring bodies. This is actually an ongoing project back to 2008 and Jae Rhim Lee has tested her own hair skin and nails that have been shredded off and feed them to edible mushrooms and as the mushrooms continued to grow she picked the best mushrooms to become infinity mushrooms.

Through this exhibtion, I realized that we have affected our environment for the worse and are experiencing the horrors of which is climate change. The consequences of cremation are the main problems that the designer wished to solve through this design. The Infinity Burial suit wishes to transform the traditional way of celebrating the end of one’s life into an eco-friendly way so that when we leave the earth, our body will contribute to the mother nature in a way of compensating what we have done to nature.

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