Houston’s Flood Is a Design Problem

Based on the reading, I was actually surprised by how design problems could lead to an actual catastrophe that is happening in our life. Natural disasters are inevitable but it really makes me to think about what have we done to nature? It’s hard to believe that something we called “natural disaster” is not meant to be obvious, it’s actually our fault sometimes and we should take responsibility for that.

In the article, the author mentions that “The natural system is very good at accepting rainfall. But when water hits pavement, it creates runoff immediately”, which I think this is where design problem is taking an important role in our urban planning of cities. If we can’t find adequate and suitable plans for urban design in the future, it will become very complicated and dangerous problems in our daily life. One of my other classes also talks about urban design and I saw some of the architectures from all over the world, I was very impressived by the way that different architectures is connecting with nature and the ideas of sustainability. I believe that if we contribute our knowledge and excitement to the right decision, we will have ideal and better urban planning in the future.

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