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IS1 Avatar: FASHION AVATAR Bridge 3, Final

With this collaborative project with Danni Gomez, we wanted to explore the future of fashion and imagine how clothes would be adapted to fit the future climate, government and society. When touring the exhibit “Items: Is Fashion Modern?” at the Museum of Modern Art, I was fascinated by the stark contrast between the old and new. Many of the clothing items were modern and relevant such as the basic blue jeans or the simple white crew neck t-shirt. They were then adapted into a future “prototype” that shed light on how artists view the future. 

We took inspiration from the fur coat, down jacket, tracksuit, trench coat prototypes and bodysuits. We then adapted those elements into our final look.

Visit to the MoMA:

Concept Sketches:

Shoulder iterations:

Bodice Iterations:

Jacket Iterations:

Bottom Iterations: (Pants, boots, skirt)

Behind the scenes of the photoshoot:



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