Objects from left to right:
- Balsa wood
- White carnations, yellow daisies, and pink roses
- Plastic wrapper
- Unknown tree bark
- Black hot glue
- Ripped, textured silver paper
- Black sweatshirt fleece fabric
- Nude fishnet
- Muslin
- Imitation copper leaf
My project explores the beauty of textures and their importance to design. I wanted to create a piece that showcased a variety of textures that when put together, highlight the differences in each other and create a tension between the elements. I chose a mixture of man-made and organic textures because I feel that both, especially when together, are very beautiful. I chose to exhibit the textures in a very minimalist and equal way in order to get rid of any pre-conceived notions that the audience might have of the objects. For example, flowers are considered to be inherently beautiful whereas hot glue or a plastic bag are seen as utilitarian and less than. By exhibiting them in an equal manner, the audience can truly appreciate the texture and the nuances of it. I also think the minimalist presentation enhances the intricacies of the textures themselves.
On a personal level, I was fascinated with textures and was very tactile when I was growing up. My mother made it a point to let me touch a variety of different surfaces in order to grow and learn from them. I credit her for my love of texture and feeling simple things that derive pleasure. Texture is such a fundamental part of design and each texture could easily be translated into a garment textile. Its the versatility in the objects that also make them even more beautiful. Each object can be manipulated to enhance any design.