Project Deconstruction Exercise Seminar 2

Process of Bridge Project 1

This first project of my first semester at Parsons was the one I struggled with the most. I started off with thinking of “mess” in our life that we can’t control and drives us crazy (and you wish you could just put a band-aid on and fix it).  Accordingly I did a photoshoot which I was pretty pleased with. However, during critique, nobody “get” my work and that was the saddest day of the semester. Later on, I figured out a more direct way to re-do this project using different materials to make band-aids. I researched and wrote down the different kinds of materials and went to garment district. Half of the time making fancy band-aids, I didn’t know if this was going to work. Luckily, during the final critique, everyone responded to my band-aid sets strongly.

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