Homework: On The Museum of the Moving Image

On The Museum of the Moving Image

  1. I loved the exhibition showing all the costumes from iconic films. I love fashion, and I think that when audiences watch movies and television shows, they often disregard all the work that goes into creating this world depicted on screen. For me, costume is something that I focus on and I am often inspired by the creative wardrobe decisions shown in the entertainment industry. Seeing the stunning costumes in person reminds you of another aspect of creativity that is utilized to maximize the world within movies and TV.
  2. Another exhibition I really enjoyed was the Behind The Screen exhibition. It was really cool to play around with inserting voiceovers, sound effects, and different background music tracks into iconic movie scenes. Not only was it interactive and a lot of fun, but the exhibition really highlights the significance of all the behind the scenes work that goes on in making a film, and how aspects of movies that are often ignored or not largely emphasized play a huge role in creating atmosphere, tone, and making the movie what it is.
  3. I also found the collections of old filmmaking gear really interesting. “Watching” “King Kong” through the flipping frames was so fascinating, and it really displays stop motion and how the concept of moving images developed into the concept of films that we know of today. It’s really cool to see how far technology has come in terms of the machinery that was used to shoot movies and how capturing motion has also become so much more sophisticated over the years in cinema and the film industry.

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