First Research Project



Initial feedback:

The initial feedback / comments I got on my presentation was that my first two topics were too broad and that if I were to choose either one of them I would have to narrow the topics more. However whilst talking about the different topics I didn’t feel a compelling longing to do any of them and the studio projects I would present in that case are not necessarily ones that I feel could be interesting enough.I recieved positive feedback and encouragement on my anxiety topic. Since the topic is very personal people believe I could make it with a lot of passion, and portray the topic in my own personal way. However I do not really know what I would do for my studio component of the project. I first pitched the idea of making a photographic diary of when I/others feel anxiety but I was encouraged to do something else instead, and research further into what millennial artists are doing to gather inspiration. But even for this topic I will probably have to specify the topic further. However, I think if I can come up with a solid studio project it could become very interesting to explore both in the studio component as well as the seminar paper. Moving forward I will research more about anxiety or artwork inspired from similar feelings. I will also look into anxiety and stress amongst millennials and factors that are contributing. I will also research artwork by millennial to see what main socio/political/economic factors they get inspired by.

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