New Idea

Since last week I have been thinking about alternative ideas on how I can portray my thesis topic for my thesis studio project. After brainstorming I have a new proposal for you. My new proposal is making papier-mache masks and painting different social media and internet logos on them. Later taking photographs of people wearing them to show how people mask their identities, anxieties and stress on the internet. For the photographing of the masks, I am planning to have dark scenes / settings that hopefully will portray a cynical feeling. The people with the masks on will be sitting infront of computers / smart phones as if browsing on that platform. Another suggestion will be to ask people via a survey how the describe their usage on these different internet / social medias and writing these comments on a white tshirt that the people wearing the masks will wear and photographing in the same cynical setting.

For my prototype I bought a plastic mask and painted the Facebook Logo on it, with acrylic paint, just to present how I would later do the papiermache masks. I hope this is an improvement from last week’s prototype.

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