Feedback on Studio Thesis Proposal

Studio Thesis Proposal document: Studio Thesis Proposal-2drk8av


At first the initial feedback was to redefine what exactly I am looking into, because the prototype I present focuses more on internet use rather than social media. Therefore, I should probably generalise and say that “being on-line” causes stress and anxiety amongst millennials. Moreover, the prototype does not capture the feeling of anxiety caused by internet usage therefore I should rethink my idea and try to find a stronger project that really draws together anxiety, stress and millennials online activity. Either that I do a more provocative online usage diary or that I change my idea and come up with one where the idea is to combine “being online” with millennials. For example do a film when staging what we do when we are online and nobody knows what we are doing on our screens.


Although the thesis proposal did not go as I wished, I understand the points that both my teachers as well as pupils gave me. Right now, I feel that I have to set up a mind up of ideas that I can do and hopefully present a stronger proposal by next week. I am very determined to do a project with this subject since I am very involved in it right now in my life. However it is more difficult than I anticipated it to be. I thought expressing a thought or a feeling would be much easier than it shows to be, maybe it is the feeling of stress which is so personal (because of what triggers it) which makes it difficult to portray. Or another flection I had is that it could be my awareness of my own online addiction that makes it difficult to mimic. For now however I feel that I shall do a mindmap and try and come up with a new prototype.

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